This project aims to raise questions to achieve a clearer vision about the importance of having agency over our data and digital lives. And in a broader sense, speculate through artistic practices about what kind of future(s) or world(s) do we want to live in?
Taking in count the contemporary socio political context, digital technologies and inequality of human life towards the crisis we call the anthropocene, the project discusses about transhumanism, digital immortality and necropolitics in the text called “Immortality and Necropolitics”.
“Final Invocation” is an animation that represents a digital spell, totem, e-lixir, mantra, or meditation to protect the digital shadow of the artist. It enlists valuable symbols for the artist and speaks of the community that guides and protects her in her real life. By incorporating personal iconography, the mother tongue and voice of the artist, the animation becomes unique for her digital soul, but also invites others to make their own.
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